Founding partner, creative director, Picture Projects; multidisciplinary artist

MFA Design for Social Innovation


BA, magna cum laude, Connecticut College; MPS, New York University; MFA, Hunter College

One-person exhibitions include

Bronson House, Hudson Correctional Facility, New York; Columbia University Human Rights Center

Group exhibitions include

New York University; Douglas Library, Rutgers University, NJ; Indianapolis Arts Center, IN; Perdue University, IN; Museum of Photography, University of California, Riverside; University of Massachusetts, Amherst; International Civil Rights Center and Museum, University of North Carolina, Greensboro

Publications Include

The New York Times, Columbia Paper, Wall Street Journal, New York Sun

Awards and honors include

Peabody Award; Award for Excellence, Greater Hudson Heritage Network; Silver Gavel Award, American Bar Association; Bronze Telly; National Endowment for the Arts; People’s Choice Award; Online Journalism Award, National Press Club; New York Council for the Humanities; Brooklyn Arts Council; New York Foundation for the Arts; Gracie Allen Award; Open Society Institute