The earth, brightly illustrated, with a pink ring around it and a series of other wacky things happening around it. The earth, brightly illustrated, with a pink ring around it and a series of other wacky things happening around it.
A student dressed in black making a point while students sit in the foreground and background. A student dressed in black making a point while students sit in the foreground and background.
The latin alphabet rendered in a 3 dimensional typeface. The latin alphabet rendered in a 3 dimensional typeface.
Two separate groups of three people inside of a print shop. One group is having a conversation around a table while the other is around a large print plotter. Two separate groups of three people inside of a print shop. One group is having a conversation around a table while the other is around a large print plotter.
White monkeys, illustrated, seated on branches draped in red fabric while snow falls in the foreground; An illustration of white monkeys setting on branches draped in red fabric;
A young woman illustrated with white hair holding a staff with a crescent moon on the end, surrounded by trees and nature. A young woman with white hair holding a staff with a crescent moon on the end, surrounded by trees and nature.
A design for a new font done on paper, scribbled up with feedback in red ink. A design for a new font done on paper, scribbled up with feedback in red ink.
A close up of a person adjusting an image inside of a physical photo enlarger. A close up of a person adjusting an image inside of a physical photo enlarger.

Accelerate Your Creativity

Accelerate Your Critical Thinking

Accelerate Your Inventiveness

Accelerate Your Collaboration Skills

Accelerate Your Ingenuity

Accelerate Your Artistic Awakening

Accelerate Your Professional Growth

Accelerate Your Creative Vision

By the Numbers


Years Educating





















Global Alumni


MFA Illustration as Visual Essay
The Book Show

Our Impact

There’s no place like SVA: an integral element of the Big Apple and the anchor point of a far-reaching global community.

Item 1 of 5
a colorful illustration of people at a bento shop both working behind the counter and buying food
Item 2 of 5
a book open to a page with an illustration of a red panda in an orage room with a teapot on the table in front of it
Item 3 of 5
a four panel image of photos depicting SVA alumni at a bar mixer event
Item 4 of 5
A colorful, abstract artwork featuring numerous eye-like shapes. Below it is a short poem reading "Not that I'm great in a crowded space, but I'd love to soak in a pool of assurance."
Item 5 of 5
a group of people at a conference with orange screens behind them

Vivi John’s (MFA 2024 Illustration as Visual Essay) work Grandpa’s Bento Shop has won a Silver Medal in the Society of Illustrators 67th Annual Awards! John’s work will be included in the annual SOI exhibition and accompanying book. Via @vivijohn_.

There is no creative culture of New York City without SVA.


Commissioner of Cultural Affairs, New York City