Woman hanging artwork on a white wall in a windowed gallery.

Illustration and Visual Storytelling: Art and Industry

Jul 8 - Aug 8 2025
Location to be announced
To be announced
This studio residency offers the opportunity to develop professional portfolio pieces that express personal vision while exploring the wealth of resources available to illustrators in New York City.
With guidance from award-winning illustrators, participants will complete a body of work created from assigned and self-directed projects, aiming to showcase style, strong ideas and aesthetic direction. The goal is to advance your artistic practice to the next level and strengthen your position in the illustration marketplace.
A rigorous schedule, including sessions in portfolio development, sequential illustration, reviews and curated tours will complement independent work. Combined, these initiatives form an intense program that fosters personal voice and professional growth. Special lectures by guest artists, publishers, art directors and agents are designed to provide additional insight regarding the realities of a career in illustration.
Participants have access to a digital facility, as well as the opportunity to work in a variety of mediums. The program culminates in an open studio exhibition.
Faculty and lecturers have included Maëlle Doliveux, Tim Hamilton, Paul Hoppe, Aaron Meshon, Anna Raff, Miss Lasko-Gross and Andrea Tsurumi. Lecturers and portfolio reviewers have included Marshall Arisman, Paul Buckley, Martin Gee, Karl Heine, Charles Hively, Kat Irannejad, Francesca Messina, Yuko Shimizu, Sara Varon and Alexandra Zsigmond. Program coordinator: Viktor Koen, chair of the BFA Comics and BFA Illustration departments at SVA.
This course is graded on a pass/fail system. A portfolio is required for review and acceptance to this program.


A woman with long hair smiling at the camera wearing a black shirt.
Deena So’Oteh
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Woman smiling with brown hair wearing a blue knitted scarf.
Anna Raff
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A white man with gray and brown short hair smiles holding a children's book. He is sitting outside in a natural setting with a brick building behind him.
Nick Bertozzi
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SVA Summer Illustration Residency Portfolio Course with Viktor Koen

Meet illustrator, designer and SVA Summer Illustration Residency lead faculty member Viktor Koen and see the great work made by our residents