Artists working in the metal shop at SVA.

Sculpture, Installation and New Media Art

May 19 - Jun 13 2025
Location to be announced
To be announced
Housed in SVA's BFA Fine Arts Department's state-of-the-art facility, this residency gives sculptors and new media artists an opportunity to experiment with the latest technologies in an environment that is conducive to intermedia exploration and critical dialogue. This program is intended for practicing artists who work in sculpture and installation, as well those engaging in other new media. Our sculpture facilities include a fully equipped wood shop, metal shop, plaster studio and ceramics studio. Artists may work with our Fine Arts Digital Lab to use high-end digital equipment, 3D graphics and a sound production booth. Prior experience is required for residents to have access to our FabLab furnished with 3D printers, laser cutters, CNC routing technologies and 3D ceramics printers. The space is designed for fluid workflow between digital and traditional media and is equipped to support intermedia installation and performance work. Artists who are interested in hybrid forms and new media in two, three and four dimensions will find the environment with an experimental approach to art-making. Each artist will be assigned a private studio located in New York City's Chelsea gallery district. Residency participants will have the opportunity to meet with faculty members from diverse perspectives for critiques, studio visits and professional development. Guest lecturers include visiting artists, critics, curators and gallery directors. The program includes demonstrations, lectures, site visits and gallery walks. The program culminates in an open studio exhibition, which enables participants to present their work to the SVA community and public. Participants will have access to SVA's shops daily from 9:00 am to 10:00 pm Monday through Friday and 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm Saturdays and Sundays. Overnight stays are allowed with entry to the building prior to 11:00 pm. Residents are suggested to have some basic skill sets. Technical and safety workshops are mandatory and will be held at the beginning of each residency. Staff technicians are on site for consultation only, not fabrication of artwork. Faculty and guest lecturers have included Suzanne Anker, Ofri Cnaani, Steve DeFrank, Frank Gillette, Kate Gilmore, Michael Joaquin Grey, Alois Kronschlaeger, Saul Ostrow and Michael Rees.
This course is graded on a pass/fail system. A portfolio is required for review and acceptance to this program. Residents who wish to borrow equipment from the Fine Arts Digital Lab are required to provide proof of insurance with rental endorsement, listing SVA as a co-insured. Participants will be held responsible for payment of any loss, theft or damage incurred to the equipment. SVA provides information on affordable insurance plans.
  • Facilility and Equiptment Details