Continuing Education
Essential Knowledge and Skills for Comics Creators
Feb 3 - Apr 14
Location to be announced
Carl Potts,
Creative director, visual artist, writer, editor
This course focuses on the principles and techniques for juxtaposing visuals, narrative and sequential visual storytelling to tell clear and compelling stories. Through presentations, readings and short comics assignments, students will become more versatile comics creators. We begin with an assigned, three-page comics sequence that is designed to identify each student's strengths in visual storytelling, drawing and composition. From there, feedback, exercises and reading assignments will be customized to help each student improve their weaker areas and leverage strengths. During the latter part of the course, students plot and draw a short original narrative (or the start of a longer work). Or, if they choose, they can draw from a professional comics script.
Note: Students who work with traditional tools (pencil and ink on paper) will need to use a scanner to turn their work into JPG or PDF files. Smartphone scan apps like Adobe Scan and Genius Scan can be used if a flatbed scanner is not available. All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is held on campus at SVA.
Note: Students who work with traditional tools (pencil and ink on paper) will need to use a scanner to turn their work into JPG or PDF files. Smartphone scan apps like Adobe Scan and Genius Scan can be used if a flatbed scanner is not available. All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is held on campus at SVA.
Course Number
3.5 CEUs
Student Work