rainbow papers and hands cutting shapes with scissors

Color Workshop: Life Beyond Black, White and Red

April 27
Sunday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM 1 session
Sunday 10:00 AM-5:00 PM 1 session
Richard Mehl,

Designer, photographer, writer

As artists and designers, we often look for ways to expand the use of color in our practice. We ask questions: Why do certain color combinations seem harmonious? Why does the appearance of a color change depending on its background? Why do colors on a flat surface seem to emerge and recede? The answers to these and other questions can be answered by exploring the traditional principles of color theory. In this one-day workshop, we explore the classic color experiments of Josef Albers through discussions, demonstrations and working hands-on with colored paper. You will learn how to identify any color based on universal characteristics of hue, value and saturation; how to anticipate the changing appearance of colors; and how to use colors to create spatial illusions. Upon completion of the workshop, you will understand why color is the most relative medium in art and design.
Please bring Color-aid paper (4.5x6", set of 314 colors), smooth Bristol Board pad (11 x 14"), glue stick or rubber cement and scissors to the first session. This course is held on campus at SVA.
Course Number
Student Work
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