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Do What NY Creatives Do. Build an Ad Portfolio at SVA.

Feb 6 - Apr 17
Thursday 6:30-9:30 PM (EST) 10 sessions
Thursday 6:30-9:30 PM (EST) 10 sessions
If you would like more information about this or any other course offerings, please contact a SVACE Course Advisor at:
Richard Pels,

Writer, creative director

Neil Raphan,

Partner, creative director, Inside-Job; creative consultant

This course is designed to help you create a professional advertising portfolio, without the commute. You'll learn to use the basic and not-so-basic skills of conceptual advertising. Ultimately, you'll be using your unrestrained creativity to generate advertising campaign ideas, and turn those ideas into campaigns for your portfolios as art directors and copywriters. Each week you will create an advertising campaign for a product or service through assignments that give you an opportunity to show work for diverse products and services in a wide variety of media. The goal is to help you get an entry-level job as an art director or copywriter at a good advertising agency.
NOTE: All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through a combination of regularly scheduled sessions during the listed course hours, as well as asynchronous material that may include prerecorded lectures and media, and interactive discussions.
Course Number
3.5 CEUs
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