Course thumbnail for Agile Design**

Agile Design

Mar 13 - Apr 3
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM (EST) 4 sessions
Wednesday 7:00-8:00 PM (EST) 4 sessions
If you would like more information about this or any other course offerings, please contact a SVACE Course Advisor at:
John Ewen,

Operations and Agile project management consultant, Merkle

Agile methodology is changing the way teams work together and is creating new possibilities for designers. Start-ups, product companies and digital agencies are quickly adopting a new workflow to design, develop and collect feedback in rapid cycles. This workshop will examine the key Agile principles and explore what it means for design.
NOTE: All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through a combination of regularly scheduled sessions during the listed course hours, as well as asynchronous material that may include prerecorded lectures and media, and interactive discussions.
Course Number