film reel film reel

Motion Picture Technologies

Jun 10 - Jul 15
Monday 6:30-9:00 PM 6 sessions
Monday 6:30-9:00 PM 6 sessions
Location to be announced
Zachary Towlen ,

Filmmaker, film festival programmer

In this course we explore the evolution of motion picture technologies from early cinema with the Lumière brothers to the Technicolor era of the 1940s to the widescreen advancements of the 1950s to contemporary technologies like IMAX and 3D, fostering discussions about the future of filmmaking. We'll gain a fresh perspective on cinema's visual storytelling, leaving with an enriched appreciation for its transformative power and a deeper understanding of modern filmmakers' choices. The course covers formal techniques, encouraging in-depth film analysis and exploration of aesthetic significance and broader implications in cinematic creation. By the end of the course, students will be familiar with key aspects of the language of film analysis, motion picture technology scholarship, and the medium's social, institutional and historical developments over the last 120 years.
Note: This course is held on campus at SVA.
Course Number
1.5 CEUs