Continuing Education

Picture Books: Crafting Stories With Words and Pictures
Feb 12 - Apr 9
If you would like more information about this or any other
course offerings, please contact a SVACE Course Advisor at:
214 East 21st Street
Claudia Rueda,
Picture book author
This course is for students who want to develop the visual writing and storytelling skills required to plan and create innovative picture books. Each week will begin by looking at early and contemporary picture books to study the fundamental elements of visual narrative, characterization, composition, pacing and point of view, as well as how to engage the reader. The second half of each session will navigate the picture book creation process. Students will map their fictional worlds and sketch a sequence with thumbnails, then make a storyboard, refine their characters and settings, and finally craft their picture book dummy. Special emphasis is placed on experimenting with playful, poetic and thought-provoking interactions between words and images. Weekly revisions will be made based on critiques, and we will discuss the challenges for picture book authors/artists, and how to navigate submitting work to publishers and agents.
Note: All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is held on campus at SVA.
Note: All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is held on campus at SVA.
Course Number
2 CEUs