Black silhouettes of bodies in different poses over a white background.

Fearless Drawing

Mar 20 - Apr 10
Wednesday 6:30-9:00 PM (EST) 4 sessions
Wednesday 6:30-9:00 PM (EST) 4 sessions
If you would like more information about this or any other course offerings, please contact a SVACE Course Advisor at:
Peter Hristoff,

Fine artist

This drawing course encourages participants to work in a free and expressive manner, creating as many as 75 drawings weekly. Class sessions combine approaches that liberate both the novice and the professional artist from self-imposed constraints. To draw freely, loosely, with joy and an open attitude is the goal of this course. Participants will work from imagination (using prompts given by the instructor), models and art historical references. This course is about non-stop drawing and the belief that one develops their line (hand) and drawing skills by fearless drawing. Most drawings are timed at approximately one minute. Open to all levels.
NOTE: A supply list will be provided to registered students prior to the start of the course. This course is fully online and offered through synchronous sessions during the listed course hours.
Course Number
1 CEUs