illustration of a person reading and book and various small frames in an arch with an illustration of that person engaged in various activities

Graphic Memoir: Crafting Life Stories

Jun 7 - Aug 9
Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM (EST) 10 sessions
Wednesday 6:30-8:30 PM (EST) 10 sessions
If you would like more information about this or any other course offerings, please contact a SVACE Course Advisor at:
Sarah Shaw,

Comics artist, illustrator

How many stories can we tell from a day, a relationship, an encounter? The stories we choose to tell from our lives define who we are and what we believe in, whether they are tales of love or tragedy. In this course students will envision themselves as the main character and transform their life events into engaging visual narratives. Each week, students will analyze excerpts from a range of diverse graphic memoirs and develop skills to connect with their audience on an emotional level. Through minicomics and prototyping exercises, students will advance their skills in scriptwriting and visual production, creating a larger-format autobiographical comic by the end of the semester. Students will be encouraged to take risks and interpret their memories from new perspectives. Ultimately, they will share their stories with the class and, perhaps, with the world at large.
PREREQUISITE: Basic drawing skills.
NOTE: All students with an active registration in this online course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through a combination of regularly scheduled sessions during the listed course hours, as well as asynchronous material that may include prerecorded lectures and media, and interactive discussions.
Course Number
3 CEUs
Student Artwork