Digital Photography Workstation

Digital Photography: Basic

Jun 8 - Jul 6
Thursday 7:00-9:30 PM (EST) 5 sessions
Thursday 7:00-9:30 PM (EST) 5 sessions
If you would like more information about this or any other course offerings, please contact a SVACE Course Advisor at:
Todd Carroll,

Photographer; systems administrator, MFA Design Department, School of Visual Arts

For those who wish to begin their photographic education in the digital realm, this course will embrace digital technology for its potential to push photography's aesthetic and conceptual boundaries. Fundamental photographic theory and the basics of digital equipment will be covered, including a practical introduction to Adobe Lightroom, backup and an overview of Adobe Photoshop. In addition to camera basics such as composition, exposure, aperture and shutter speed, students will learn about RAW image files and how to exploit their possibilities. Though we will leave the physical darkroom behind, this course will engage photography in much the same way as its innovators, emphasizing an understanding of light and the concept of seeing photographically. Through our studies, students will begin to master photographic ideas and digital tools in order to make intentional and innovative creative choices.
NOTE: All students with an active registration in this course will be given free access to the Adobe Creative Cloud. This course is fully online and offered through a combination of regularly scheduled sessions during the listed course hours, as well as asynchronous material that may include prerecorded lectures and media, and interactive discussions.
Course Number
1.5 CEUs