Pre College Programs

July 7 - 25 |
3 Undergraduate Studio Credits
To be announced
We're serious about comics. Cartooning was one of the original courses of study offered when SVA was founded in 1947, and many of the great creators of American comics have taught and studied here. This intensive "comics boot camp" is for students at all levels of experience. The only prerequisite is that you enjoy drawing! All styles are welcome. The course will explore the major elements of comics writing, drawing, storytelling, process, tools and technique. You will bring the seed of an original story idea, and we will provide the structure and support for growing that seed into a complete comic book story. In the final week, you will design a color cover for your comic book and share copies with your classmates. By the end of the course, you will have created a comic that tells your story, in your own style.
Please note: Pre-College courses may include the use of nude models.
Please note: Pre-College courses may include the use of nude models.
Course Number: CIP-0201-A