Pre College Programs

Fine Arts: Sculpture and Drawing
July 7 - 25 |
3 Undergraduate Studio Credits
To be announced
An introduction to the material world, sculpture explores diverse media and their potentials to create volume, line and mass.
The teacher will encourage students and gear instruction toward their individual level of experience. Ranging from the realistic to abstract, materials such as clay, plaster, wood, alignate, aqua-resin and wire will be investigated. Demonstrations and exercises in classical clay modeling techniques through direct observation of a live model, alginate body casting, installation, collaboration and site specific work will be investigated. Students will participate in critique sessions. Discussion will include art concepts of space, gravity and light, amongst others, as they pertain to three-dimensional form. Students will be exposed to contemporary art issues and begin to relate elements of their own style to those of other artists. Cultural context of the works will be discussed. While sculpture will be the primary focus, students will work on preparatory drawing assignments related to their individual sculpture projects. Final works will be selected and for the Student Exhibition. No previous experience required.
Please note: Pre-College courses may include the use of nude models. Course curriculum and faculty are subject to change.
The teacher will encourage students and gear instruction toward their individual level of experience. Ranging from the realistic to abstract, materials such as clay, plaster, wood, alignate, aqua-resin and wire will be investigated. Demonstrations and exercises in classical clay modeling techniques through direct observation of a live model, alginate body casting, installation, collaboration and site specific work will be investigated. Students will participate in critique sessions. Discussion will include art concepts of space, gravity and light, amongst others, as they pertain to three-dimensional form. Students will be exposed to contemporary art issues and begin to relate elements of their own style to those of other artists. Cultural context of the works will be discussed. While sculpture will be the primary focus, students will work on preparatory drawing assignments related to their individual sculpture projects. Final works will be selected and for the Student Exhibition. No previous experience required.
Please note: Pre-College courses may include the use of nude models. Course curriculum and faculty are subject to change.
Course Number: FIP-0203-A