Presented by MFA Fine Arts

Mary Mattingly

Feb 11, 2025; 3:00 - 5:00pm
Sculpture by the artist Mary Mattingly entitled Ebb of a Spring Tide at Socrates Sculpture Park, photo Alexa Hoyer, courtesy of the artist and Robert Mann Gallery. The sculpture is a scaffold-like structure holding plants connected by an irrigation system of tubes. (Detail) Sculpture by the artist Mary Mattingly entitled Ebb of a Spring Tide at Socrates Sculpture Park, photo Alexa Hoyer, courtesy of the artist and Robert Mann Gallery. The sculpture is a scaffold-like structure holding plants connected by an irrigation system of tubes.

Ebb of a Spring Tide at Socrates Sculpture Park, photo Alexa Hoyer, courtesy of the artist and Robert Mann Gallery.

Ebb of a Spring Tide at Socrates Sculpture Park, photo Alexa Hoyer, courtesy of the artist and Robert Mann Gallery.

Free and open to the public
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