These works explore the materiality of the photographic process and the properties of light. As unique, handmade pieces, they are a direct result of my intervention with light and the chromogenic paper. In most photographic objects, white correlates to light; however, with these cameraless creations, I produced a palpable feeling of light within the areas void of light. By removing any physical and literal contexts which are usually present in conventional photographic images, I encourage the viewer to withdraw from the physical world, and explore an inscape of light and dimension, a space beyond the sum of the elements that created it.
Mentor: Tom Gitterman, Owner and Director, Gitterman Gallery
My experience with my mentor has been extremely fulfilling, and he made himself very available throughout the whole process for feedback and insight. After each of our meetings, I felt a sense of added motivation and direction to refine the work and presentation for the show.