Seeing You, Seeing Me is a grounding poem within this ongoing project in which I reflect on the intergenerational trauma I have internalized through the collective consciousness of the American white supremacist, capitalist patriarchy and my own family’s subsequent history. These pieces and the poems I pair them with are my attempt at expressing the inner workings of my confrontation with the reality of my existence as a queer white woman from a working class family in rural upstate NY. I am contemplating the overlapping conflicts within my identity and sharing the nonlinear journey towards a future of accountability and subversion of the power dynamics we reside within, while also delving into the complexities of navigating interpersonal relationships through who we are in a public sense and who can be for each other. Seeing You, Seeing Me, and this project as a whole, is a love letter to whoever happens to come across it.
Mentor: Carmen Winant, Artist
Carmen Winant’s work has been a source of energy for me since the beginning of my college career. Being able to connect with her one-on-one these last few months has inspired me in every aspect of my life. I’m so grateful for this opportunity and I look forward to continuing our dialogue in the future!