Presented by Continuing Education BFA Visual & Critical Studies and CE Fine Arts

The 100: Night of 100 Drawings

May 6, 2021; 6:30 - 9:00pm
Pencil shavings

This free (and open to all) workshop is a nonstop marathon of 100 fast-paced figure drawings from life, complemented with exercises where participants draw from imagination and observation. The rhythm and structure of the drawing marathon encourages the participants to “let go” and connect to an authentic way of drawing, a celebration of what we are capable of with an expressive and liberated line. Please note that each pose/drawing will be timed at approximately one minute.

Visual artist and longtime SVA faculty member Peter Hristoff (BFA 1981 Fine Arts) will lead the evening based on the principles and lessons used in the drawing courses and marathons he has developed for SVA Continuing Education, such as The Vigorous Figure, Inventory Drawing, Drawing Art History and The 100.

Please note: Figure drawing models will be minimally covered. The session runs continuously without a break to maintain a certain momentum, but participants may break when they wish. Open to all levels, from the fearless beginner to the professional artist.

Required supplies: 100 sheets of paper (any size) and any drawing media that allows for smooth, fast drawing. The instructor recommends waterproof black ink or sepia ink (and brushes of choice), Ebony pencils or Lyra brand solid graphite water-soluble crayons in 9B. For those who like to use color, feel free to use pastels, crayons or watercolors.

Sponsored by SVA Continuing Education, BFA Visual & Critical Studies and the Honors Program.

Note: All events listed on are in Eastern Time (ET).

Free and open to the public