man in forest clearing

Principal, Darrick Borowski Architecture; partner, co-founder, ARExA

BFA Interior Design: Built Environments


BSAS, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign; M.Arch., with distinction, Architectural Association School of Architecture


Professional experience includes

Chief of staff, design, WeWork; co-founder, Edible Infrastructures; creative director, Jordan Parnass Digital Architecture; principal, Designhurts


Clients have included

American Apparel, Apple, Gap Inc., Harley-Davidson, Intersection, New Look, New York City School Construction Authority, Novo Foundation, 02 UK, Pacific Science Center, Science Museum of Minnesota, Sidewalk Labs, Seattle Center, Starbucks, Telefónica O2 Ireland, TopShop


Publications include

The New York Times, Architectural Digest, New York magazine, Dwell, Interior Design, Frame, Paper, Wallpaper*, Financial Times, Fast Company, Wired, Remodelista, ArchDaily, Dezeen, Archidose, Apartment Therapy, Forbes, GQ, LifeEdited, Houzz, SUCKERPUNCH, Core77, Iso50, VICE, Vox


Awards and honors include

Small Projects Award, American Institute of Architects; International Store of the Year, VMSD; Fixture of the Year, Association for Retail Environments; SUCKERPUNCH International Design Competition; Earl Prize, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign