Jeremy Cohan

BA, with honors, University of Chicago; teaching certification, Pace University; M.Phil., PhD, New York University
Professional experience includes
Chair, MA Critical Theory and the Arts Department, School of Visual Arts; president, Society for Psychoanalytic Inquiry
Publications include
Political Economy and Social Movements, The Long Shadow of Capital: Studies in the Political Economy of Neoliberalism, Damage Magazine, The Point
Presentations include
“The Political Economy of Corporate School Reform in Chicago: Crisis-Management, Elite Plans, and Systemic Churn,” American Sociological Association, LLM Roundtable; “Class Politics By Any Other Name: The Drift of the Center-Left in the Advanced Capitalist Economies,” International Sociological Association, World Congress of Sociology; “A Drama that finds the Chinks in Society’s Armor: Theodor Adorno and Alain Badiou on the work of Samuel Beckett,” Symposium on Philosophy, Society and the work of Samuel Beckett, School of Visual Arts; “Between Strategies and Farewells: Labor, Strategy, and Capital in the Social Theory of André Gorz,” Social Theory Workshop, University of Chicago; “Lukács’s Abyss,” Institute of Culture and Society Conference, University of Illinois at Chicago; “Foucault’s Detours,” Cultural Studies Association Annual Convention, Chicago
Awards and Honors include
Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award, New York University; Henry M. MacCracken Fellowship, New York University; Scholar-in-Residence, Home School 3, Art Space, Chicago; John Billing Fiske Poetry Prize, University of Chicago