
MA Curatorial Practice


BA, Norfolk Institute of Art and Design


Professional experience includes

Senior curatorial director, Hauser & Wirth; director, MoMA PS1; chief curator, artistic director, Garage Museum of Contemporary Ar; director, Independent Curators International; international curator, UCCA Center for Contemporary Art; chair, Masters Program in Curatorial Practice, California College of Arts; co-founder, Smith + Fowle; curator, Towner Eastbourne


Curatorial projects include

“Gustav Metzger: And then came the environment,” “Leon Golub: Et in Arcadia Ego,” “RETROaction,” Hauser & Wirth; “The Paradoxes of Internationalism,” Tamayo Museum; “Daniel Lind-Ramos: El Viejo Griot,” MoMA PS1; “Rasheed Araeen: A Retrospective,” “Marcel Broodthaers: Poetry and Images,” “Anri Sala: The Last Resort,” “Proof: Francisco Goya, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Longo,” “Taryn Simon: Action Research / The Stagecraft of Power,” “Rirkrit Tiravanija: Tomorrow is the Question,” Garage Museum of Contemporary Art


Publications include

Glossary of Common Knowledge; Ilya and Emilia Kabakov: Not Everyone Will be Taken Into the Future; Exhibit Russia: The New International Decade 1986-1996; Proof: Francisco Goya, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Longo; Louise Bourgeois, Structures of Existence: The Cells; Curating Research


Awards and honors include

Fellowship, Art for Justice