Creative director, founder, Contrast Foundry

CE Design


MA, Moscow State University of Printing Arts; MA, Royal Academy of Art, The Hague


Professional experience includes

Curator, Typomania School 


Current and former clients include

COLLINS; Muse Group; Shuka Brand Bureau; Turner Duckworth; Type Network; Adobe; BBDO; Brilliant; Comme des Garçons; Google; Medium; Pentagram; Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design  


Publications include

AIGA Eye on Design; Communication Arts; Print; Future Fonts; Typographica; New Aesthetic 2: A Collection of Independent Type Design 


Awards and honors include

Silver Prize, Morisawa Type Design Competition; Red Dot Award; Type Directors Club; Communication Arts; Granshan Award; Modern Cyrillic Award; Letter.2 Award, ATypI