Pablo Garcia Lopez
BS, MS, Autonomous University of Madrid; PhD, Complutense University of Madrid; MFA, Maryland Institute College of Art
Exhibitions include
CONNERSMITH, Washington, DC; FIGMENT; Transmodern Festival, Baltimore; MUSE Center of Photography and the Moving Image; German Hygiene Museum, Dresden; Moravská Galerie, Brno, Czech Republic; CosmoCaixa, Barcelona; European Institute of Design, Madrid
Publications include
Frontiers in Human of Neuroscience, Neural Plasticity, International Journal of Developmental Biology, Brain Research Reviews, Journal of History of Neuroscience, Journal of Alzheimer Disease, Progress in Neurobiology, Revista de Muselogíca, Journal of Neuroscience
Awards and honors include
Jerome Foundation; Rinehart Fellowship, Maryland Institute College of Art; Ramón Areces Foundation; Caixa Galicia Art Foundation; Best Experimental and Animation Award, SCINEMA Festival