Roswitha Rodrigues
Co-founder, creative director, Magical Monkey
BA, Conservatory of Music, Vienna; MA, with honors, University of Vienna; School of Visual Arts
Professional experience includes
Director, producer, Fovea Films; design director, Ryan Drossman MARC, USA
Clients have included
A&E, History Channel, Arm & Hammer, CUNY, Fiji Water, Gym Source, HarperCollins, Jatheon, LRC South Africa, Moviefone, The New York Times, Nikkei America, Planned Parenthood, Verio, Rheingold Brewing Company, Scholastic, TDK, Vertis, Warner Books
Festivals and screenings include
Bangkok Design Week; Documentary Edge Festival; Transatlantyk Festival; A-Design Film Festival; International Motion Festival, Cyprus; International Documentary Film Festival; Pause Fest; Seattle Design Fest; OxDocs; Design Indaba Festival; Toronto Digifest
Awards and honors include
Gold Paragon Award, Silver Medallion Award, National Council for Marketing and Public Relations; Silver Award, Promax; American Corporate Identity Award; Print Regional Design Annual; Advertising Women of New York; GDUSA; Graphis Design Annual; International Design Award, Self-Promotion Design Award, HOW; Creativity Award, Ad Age