Special assistant to the president, School of Visual Arts; contributing editor: Print, Eye, Baseline; contributing writer: Metropolis, Design Bureau, Port, IDPure; columnist, The New York Times Book Review

MA Design Research, Writing and Criticism MFA Design


New York University, School of Visual Arts

Professional experience includes

Co-chair, MFA Design Department, School of Visual Arts; co-founder, MFA Design Criticism, MPS Branding, MFA Interaction Design, MFA Products of Design programs, School of Visual Arts; art director, Op-Ed section, The New York Times

Books authored, co-authored or edited

More than 200 books on graphic design, illustration and political art, including Iron Fists: Branding the 20th-Century Totalitarian State; Paul Rand; Merz to Emigre and Beyond: Progressive Magazine Design of the Twentieth Century; Design Literacy: Understanding Graphic Design; Handwritten: Expressive Lettering in the Digital Age; The Education of a Typographer; Graphic Design History; Graphic Style: From Victorian to Post-Modern; Typology: Type Design from Victorian Era to the Digital Age; The Education of A Graphic Designer; Italian Art Deco: Graphic Design Between the Wars; Faces on the Edge: Type in the Digital Age; The Swastika: Symbol Beyond Redemption?; French Modern: Art Deco Graphic Design; Euro Deco; Cuba Style; Times Square Style; The Savage Mirror: The Art of Contemporary Caricature; Texts on Type; Design Humor: The Art of Graphic Wit; Citizen Designer; Seymour Chwast: The Left-Handed Designer; Innovators of American Illustration; Art Against War; The Push Pin Graphic: A Quarter Century of Innovative Design and Illustration; Stylepedia: A Guide to Graphic Design Mannerisms, Quirks, and Conceits; The Education of a Photographer; Anatomy of Design: Uncovering the Influences and Inspiration in Modern Graphic Design; The Design Entrepreneur: Turning Graphic Design Into Goods That Sell; Design School Confidential; Typography Sketchbooks; I Heart Design; Art Direction Explained, At Last!; Scripts: Elegant Lettering From Design’s Golden Age; 100 Ideas that Changed Graphic Design; Stop, Think, Go, Do: How Typography & Graphic Design Influence Behavior; Hell: The People and Places; For the Love of Design; Growing Up Underground

Blogs include

The Daily Heller, Printmag.com; The Atlantic; Campaign Stops, The New York Times; Graphic Content, The New York Times; Font of the Month, Ilovetypography.com

Curatorial works include

“Simplicissimus, Germany’s Most Influential Satire Magazine,” Goethe House; “Political Art, Ten Years of Graphic Commentary,” AIGA; “L’Assiette au Beurre,” French Institute; “Typographic Treasures, The Work of W.A. Dwiggins,” International Typeface Corporation; “Where is My Vote? Posters For the Green Movement in Iran,” Visual Arts Gallery. Co-curator: “SVA/BBC Design Documentary Film Festival,” SVA Theatre, School of Visual Arts

Symposia (Director)

“Modernism & Eclecticism: A History of American Graphic Design,” “How We Learn, What We Learn,” “The Designer as Author,” School of Visual Arts; “Where the Truth Lies: A Symposium on Propaganda Today,” CUNY Graduate Center

Awards and honors include

National Design Mind Award, Cooper-Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum; National Endowment for the Arts; Special Educators Award, Art Directors Hall of Fame; AIGA Medal for Lifetime Achievement; Educators Hall of Fame, The One Club; Herschel Levit Award, Pratt Institute; Outstanding Client Award, Graphic Artists Guild; Richard Gangel Art Director Award, Society of Illustrators. Honorary Doctorates: College for Creative Studies, Detroit; University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic