Lighting designer, Fisher Marantz Stone; IALD, IES, ULI, TEA, CFLC, LEED AP BD+C

Humanities and Sciences BFA Interior Design: Built Environments


AS, Hudson Valley Community College; B.Arch., MS, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute


Professional experience includes

CAD specialist, State University Construction Fund; assistant lighting designer, Brandston Partnership Inc.


Clients include

Third Eye; Mountain Eagle Media, LLC. Former clients include: Rhett Russo, Falling Anvil Studio


Publications include

Academy of Neuroscience for Architecture


Awards and honors include

Theatre Association of New York State; Founders Award of Excellence, Norman Waxman Memorial Award, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence, Hudson Valley Community College; Public Art Challenge, Bloomberg Philanthropies