General Course Listing
The courses that follow reflect the offerings for the 2024-2025 academic year. For additional course details please visit the Registrar page and click on the Graduate Course Listing.
Fundamentals of Design for Social Innovation
Fall semester: 3 credits
This course explores the skills needed to be an actor in social innovation, including change models, facilitation, relationships, team building and leaning into uncertainty. Structured as part lab and part discussion, students will complete readings, journal assignments and activities related to interaction, dialogue, capturing and observing data, writing research and facilitation plans, and developing relationships. At the end of the course, each student facilitates a group discussion with different representatives from part of a system with the goal of helping the group see the system through multiple vantage points to shift to a collective intention and prototype new solutions.
Communication Design
Spring semester: 3 credits
In this course students use language and verbal and visual communication skills to engage, persuade and shift social engagement through story writing and telling, cogent logic and public presentations. Throughout the semester, students develop a personal voice as well as collaborate with real-world community partners, clients and organizations to design communications as a system with intentional impact on outcomes. The course culminates with presentations to outside partners/clients and community collaborators.
Understanding Natural and Social Systems
Fall semester: 1 credit
This course investigates social and environmental issues in the context of complex human communities and natural systems in which they exist, both online and on the ground. Issues integral to climate change, health, national security, personal identity and social justice are examined in relation to the players and places that impact citizens, communities and the environment. In addition, the interwoven dynamics of business, not-for-profit organizations and public agencies are covered. Students will engage with readings, case studies, critical thinking and writing reflections.
Mapping and Visualization Design
Fall semester: 3 credits
The mapping and visualizing of systems are addressed in this course in order to facilitate a journey from thinking to making. Readings, discussions and weekly “experiments” are employed to investigate how mapping and modeling techniques can help develop sustainable frameworks of action. The course helps students visualize and articulate their thinking, consider ways of planning and communicating solutions and develop new models of engagement and action. Students will participate with visiting guests and in preparing hands-on demonstrations.
Technologies for Designing Change I
Fall semester: 1 credit
In this making course, students will explore a range of methods and techniques for taking a concept to completion using design and physical computing. We will focus on digital and physical prototypes as a method of testing and learning. This learning will support the systematic design decisions that determine the quality, impact and outcome of social design.
SIG-5220 / SIG-5225
Global Guest Lecture Series I and II
Fall and spring semesters: 3 credits per semester
This lecture series exposes students to the journeys of some of the most important and exciting people and organizations doing social innovation and making change in the world today. Guest speakers inspire new thinking and dialogue on various opportunities for careers in social innovation, and how design plays a role in each of them. Students practice facilitation skills and synthesize key takeaways. Guest practitioners provide feedback on students’ personal statements and portfolios to inform future career pathways.
Disruptive Design: Research and Insights
Fall semester: 3 credits
Students explore how to meaningfully connect context and community-centered insights to strategies for innovation and social change. This hands-on course examines processes, thinking and practices of design research and participatory co-creation approaches. Students investigate the role of storytelling and analysis/synthesis to discover needs, reduce harm and increase equity through collaboration with communities via self-driven group projects. Guest instructors share examples of exciting and emergent methodologies.
Environmental Ethics
Fall semester: 1 credit
In this course students use systems thinking and creativity to explore the intersection of sustainability and design, including discussions on economics and quality-of-life indicators, how to distinguish problems from symptoms and unpacking the operating principles for life on Earth.
Games for Impact
Spring semester: 3 credits
Games designed to address social and political issues are one of the fastest-growing categories in the “serious games” movement. This course incorporates game theory and analysis with hands-on development of social impact games: interactive experiences that integrate sociopolitical events, values and messages into their design and game mechanics. Working in teams, students take on game projects from concept to functional prototype, and refine their projects through several iterations, ending with presentations and play with expert practitioners.
Technologies for Designing Change II
Spring semester: 2 credits
As a continuation of SIG-5170, Technologies for Designing Change I, this course explores a range of methods and techniques for taking a concept to completion using design and physical computing. Digital design and physical prototyping are used as a method of testing and learning. This learning will support the systematic design decisions that determine the quality, impact and outcome of social design.
Introduction to Thesis I
Spring semester: 3 credits
Exercises in problem definition, audience identification, research and barriers to change will help students test their hypotheses for their thesis projects. In this course students investigate a variety of social issues, researching each to the point of confirming their own interest and the viability of their thesis topic. Criteria include demonstration of audience need, a clear articulation of a thesis topic and social issue, and metrics for success. By the end of the semester, students will have a fully vetted topic for their thesis.
Creative Writing for Social Designers
Spring semester: 1 credit
The maxim that all change begins with language is true in the visual arts to the same extent that it is anywhere else. Yet social impact designers—who make their professional careers developing initiatives that change lives, often with enormous public consequences—are often not taught how to write. Both the design and social innovation fields are rife with argot and clichés that deaden meaning instead of uncovering it. The goal of this course is to give social designers access to the power of creative writing in order to more fully understand themselves, and combine that self-knowledge with writing that will infect and inspire their audiences.
Metrics and Data Visualization I
Fall semester: 3 credits
This course focuses on data and visualization for exploration—asking useful questions and engaging in purposeful discovery. We will explore both the theory and practice of gathering and visualizing data through integrating the identification of metrics into ongoing student projects, as well as evaluating metrics from case studies in order to understand strategy. Guest lecturers include data scientists, business and organizational leaders, and social impact experts.
Metrics and Data Visualization II
Spring semester: 3 credits
This is the continuation of SIG-6170, Metrics and Data Visualization I. In the spring semester, students will study data and visualization for explanation—how various tools and techniques help us communicate with and influence others. Guest lecturers include data scientists, business and organizational leaders, and social impact experts.
SIG-6180 / SIG-6182
Leadership I and II
Fall and spring semesters: 2 credits per semester
A survey of key leadership theories and practices will be examined in these courses, with the aim for students to discover their leadership identity and apply their new knowledge and understanding in positive social change contexts. Through in-class discussion, case studies and leadership development process documentation, students will engage in intensive, reflective experiences that have been designed to transform leadership notions into knowledge. These courses help students to consider the “why” of their DSI experience from a leadership lens.
Fall semester: 1 credit
The business language, models and concepts needed for real-world venture success are explored in this course. Students will gain practical knowledge and hands-on experience in the key business building blocks needed to execute a successful enterprise that is viable, financially sustainable and scalable. Thesis projects may be developed as start-ups. Students will also have the opportunity to present their business concepts to a panel of reviewers.
Thesis Consultation II: Research, Writing, Presentation
Fall semester: 6 credits
Guided by thesis advisors, students conduct research to develop a thorough understanding of the social issue, audience needs, historical context, current landscape and challenges of their thesis topic. Students design and implement a series of prototypes to test and refine their theories, and create compelling presentations, which bring each project vision to life through words, images and measurable interventions. There will be a series of gate presentations to the thesis advisory board for approval of key milestones.
SIG-6220 / SIG-6225
Global Guest Lecture Series III and IV
Fall and spring semesters: 3 credits per semester
This speaker series exposes students to the journeys of some of the most important and exciting people and organizations doing social innovation and making change in the world today. Guest speakers inspire new thinking and dialogue on various opportunities for careers in social innovation and how design plays a role in each of them. Students practice facilitation skills and synthesize key takeaways from week-to-week to explore current themes. Guest practitioners provide feedback on students’ personal statements and portfolios of students’ work will be shared with guest practitioners for feedback and to inform on future career pathways.
Thesis Consultation III: Implementation
Spring semester: 6 credits
Students will share their thesis topics, interventions and theories for social change by presenting at key milestones. Guided by thesis advisors, students will complete their thesis projects and develop interventions ready to be implemented. Students write and design a Thesis Book to document their process, concepts and references. Thesis projects will be defended as a final requirement. A review committee consisting of the program chair, advisors, faculty and outside experts will critique thesis presentations at critical milestones during the semester. Following approval, students present their final thesis to a public audience.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Spring semester: 1 credit
Monitoring is the routine process of data collection and measurement of progress toward program objectives; evaluation is the use of social research methods to systematically investigate a program’s effectiveness. This course is designed to complement the thesis process and will examine how to measure program effectiveness through monitoring and evaluation (M&E). Students will be guided in the development of their own measurement plan and data collection.
Fast Track
One semester: 3 credits
This honors course offers students the opportunity to “fast track” a design and/or business concept. Over the course of the semester, students are selected to pitch, prototype, develop and then execute/implement a portion of the project in the real world. The course is modeled as an independent study with one-on-one mentoring and coaching from the instructors. Students provide weekly written updates and give monthly presentations.