My practice is inspired by the place where logic becomes illogical. I view the materials and objects I incorporate not as material or object, but rather as inert lines and shapes. These works speak to the overlooked, often latent, potential of objects and form. The materials employed are activated, captured in some state, and speak to the unseen. What distortion arises as you approach the “vanishing point” of visual perspective or the “vanishing point” of rational understanding? I am interested in using my practice to look at what imagery and new logic is to be found here.
Mentor: Mike Tan, Gallery Director, Rubber Factory
I am incredibly grateful to have gotten to work with my mentor. He was honest and straightforward in only the most productive ways. This guidance has given me new tools to better approach, challenge, and deepen my art practice in the future, as well as the context of the real world. The experience of working with him has been incredibly valuable. Thanks!