‘Copy, Cut + Paste’ Celebrates the Visual Language of Ivan Chermayeff

SVA Galleries and the Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives will exhibit a rare collection of the late designer and faculty member’s work beginning Wednesday, September 11.

September 9, 2024 by Maeri Ferguson
A mixed-media collage made of multiple colors of paper, in rectilinear and arched shapes, with many postal marks along the top right corner. A mixed-media collage made of multiple colors of paper, in rectilinear and arched shapes, with many postal marks along the top right corner.

Ivan Chermayeff, Ukak, 1992, mixed-media collage, 36 x 28 ½ in. On view at “Copy, Cut + Paste: The Visual Language of Ivan Chermayeff.”

Ivan Chermayeff, Ukak, 1992, mixed-media collage, 36 x 28 ½ in. On view at “Copy, Cut + Paste: The Visual Language of Ivan Chermayeff.”

Credit: Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives
Credit: Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives