Our Impact
A comic titled "The Weatherman Vol 3" featuring a man in a armour suit being reached for by hands

Nathan Fox


The Weatherman Vol. 3, illustrated by MFA Visual Narrative Chair Nathan Fox (MFA 2002 Illustration as Visual Essay) hits stands next week, Wednesday, September 18! This weekend, Fox will also be hosting a workshop at Small Press Expo, where you can also find the department and SVA’s Cartoon Allies at table G2, along with MFA Visual Narrative alumni Tony Chao (2021) at table E11B, Sydney Chavan (2023) at table D7B, Morgan Sawyer (2022) at table G12A, Shing Yin Khor (2026) at table M5A and the “Carousel: Comics Performances reading panel, former faculty member Jim Rugg at table W64, and former RisoLab staff member Andrew Alexander at table L8A as well as on the panels “The New Publishers” and “CRAM Books: The New Cutting Edge Of Comics.” Via @nathanfoxy.