Preserving History: The SVA Archives & Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives 07:27
The Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives is dedicated to preserving and making accessible design works of significant artistic, cultural, and historical value by preeminent designers, illustrators, and art directors who have close ties to SVA. The SVA Archives documents the history of the College and provides source material for those who seek to evaluate the impact of its activities within the context of the institution as well as on the art and design communities at large. In this new 'Preserving History' video, head archivist Beth Kleber and other SVA community members discuss the history and mission of both complementary archives.An inside look into our students' lives
- Class of 2022: Our Story Has Just Begun
- Life@SVA: My Art Portfolio - BFA Fine Arts - Li Fang Hsieh
- Life@SVA : My Art Portfolio - BFA Film - Yoko Chen
- Life@SVA : My Art Portfolio - BFA Visual & Critical Studies - Kyra Husbands
- Life@SVA : My Art Portfolio - BFA Photography and Video Major - Talya Alsberg
- Life@SVA : My Art Portfolio - BFA Animation Major - Ella Cesari
- Keeping SVA Safe
- Move In Day SVA NYC
- Life@SVA : SVA Class of 2021 Sizzles!
- We’re back!
- Life@SVA : My Art Portfolio - BFA Illustration Major - Grace Toscano
- SVA NYC is #Alltogether | COVID-19 Student Vlog
- We Will See You In The Fall
- Moving Into SVA (2019) - A Parent's Perspective
- Spotlight : SVA's Class of 2020
- 2023 Yearbook Video
- 2023 Yearbook Sizzle Reel
- Preserving History: The SVA Archives & Milton Glaser Design Study Center and Archives
- Imagine living and studying in NYC
- Imagine living and studying in NYC
- Imagine Living in NYC Studying Motion Graphics, Illustration, Interior Design, and Sculpture
- Imagine Living in NYC Studying Comics, Installation Art, Design, and Painting
- Imagine Living in NYC Studying Film, Advertising, 3D & VFX, and Art
- Imagine Living in NYC Studying Animation, Photography, UI/UX, and Product Design
- Learn About SVA (in 3D)!