Next Steps

Career Development creates various guides and resource documents to assist students and alumni with job and internship searches, interviewing and other career-related topics. 

Below you can find our essential guides; virtual workshop videos; resources arranged by major; and resources arranged by topic.

Essential Guides

Virtual Workshop Videos

Video recordings of our virtual professional development workshops are available on Mediaspace. Slide decks and other resources from these events are available upon request from . For a list of past workshops and topics, click here.

Career Counseling

For career counseling appointments, book on SVA 12twenty with your new, activated account. Refer to our Login and Profile Setup Tip Sheet and Booking Appointments Tip Sheet.

Resources by Major

Career Development has compiled a comprehensive list of resources for various majors and industries. This list is provided as a resource and is not an endorsement of the below organizations, websites or agencies.

Resources by Topic